

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor


Graduate students









  • 2008 和2010 年在郑州大学和北京交通大学获得学士和硕士学位,2010.08-2015.02 在瑞典皇家工学院(KTH)获 得博士学位,导师为Rajeev Ahuja (APS fellow) & Pavel Korzhavyi。2015.04-2016.04 在瑞典乌普萨拉大学做 博士后,导师为Olle Eriksson (瑞典皇家科学院院士)。2016.05-2019.10 在美国橡树岭国家实验室任博士后研 究员,导师为Paul R. C. Kent (APS fellow, 第一性原理计算软件VASP 开发人之一,QMCPACK 主要开发者), Sokrates Pantelides (AAAS, APS, MRS, IEEE fellow)。2019.11-2020.02 在韩国浦项工大亚太理论中心做访问 学者,导师为Igor Di Marco。2020 年4 月底入职东南大学电子学院MEMS 实验室纳皮米中心。
Research interests:
  • 研究方向: 固体电子学与计算材料信息学
  • 研究手段: 密度泛函理论、分子动力学、动态平场理论、哈密顿量模型、机器学习
  • 研究兴趣: 1.数据挖掘与机器学习 2.极端条件下的物质演变与电子结构 (高压、高能量辐照)3.固体缺陷与晶 格动力学 4.理论计算与电镜实验的结合
Journal reviewer:

Acta Materialia, Applied Surface science, Advanced functional Materials, ACS Applied Energy Materials, Nanoscale, Nano Eneryg, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Journal of nuclear materials, Journal of alloys and compounds, Computational Material Science, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Catalysis, Chemical Physics, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Chinese Physics Letter

Selected Publications:

[1] Shi-Ze Yang//, Weiwei Sun//(co-first author), Yu-Yang Zhang, Yongji Gong, Mark P. Oxley, Andrew R. Lupini, Pulickel A. Ajayan, Matthew F. Chisholm, Sokrates T. Pantelides, and Wu Zhou, Direct cation exchange in monolayer MoS2 via recombination-enhanced migration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 106101, (2019)

[2] Wenbo Yu*, Wenzhe Jia, Feng Guo, Zhaoyang Ma, Pengcheng Zhang, Christophe Tromas, V. ronique Gauthier-Brunet, Paul R.C. Kent, Weiwei Sun*, Sylvain Dubois, The correlation between N deficiency and the mechanical properties of the Ti2AlNy MAX phase, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40, 2279, (2020)

[3] Xiaoxu Zhao, Weiwei Sun #,* (co-first author & corresponding author), Dechao Geng, Wei Fu, Jiadong Dan, Yu Xie, Paul R. C. Kent, Wu Zhou, Stephen J. Pennycook, Kian Ping Loh*, Edge Segregated Polymorphism in Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Carbide. Advanced. Mater.1808343, 2019

[4] Weiwei Sun, Hossein Ehteshami, Paul Kent, Pavel Korzhavyi, Self-diffusion of Ti interstitial based point defects and complexes in TiC, Acta Materilia, 165, 381-387, (2019)

[5] Weiwei Sun, Yu Xie, and Paul R. C. Kent, Double metal-ion MXenes with wide band gaps and novel magnetic properties, Nanoscale, 10, 11962-11968, 2018

[6] Sujuan Wu, Weiwei Sun//(co-first author), Jianguo Sun, Zachary D. Hood, Shi-Ze Yang, Lidong Sun, Paul R.C. Kent, and Matthew F. Chisholm, Surface reorganization leads to enhanced photocatalytic activity in defective BiOCl, Chemistry of Materials, 30 (15), 5128–5136, (2018)

[7] Weiwei Sun, Wei Luo, Qingguo Feng, and Rajeev Ahuja, Anisotropic distortion and Lifshitz transition in α-Hf under pressure, Phys. Rev. B 95, 115130, (2017)

[8] Weiwei Sun, Yunguo Li, Baotian Wang, Xue Jiang, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Pavel Korzhavyi, Olle Eriksson, Igor Di Marco, A new 2D monolayer BiXene, M2C (M=Mo, Tc, Os), Nanoscale, 8, 15753- 15762, (2016)

[9] Weiwei Sun, Hossein Ehteshami, and Pavel Korzhavyi, Structure and energy of point defects in TiC: A systematic ab initio study, Phy. Rev. B 91, 134111 (2015)

[10] Weiwei Sun, Sudip Chakraborty, Rajeev Ahuja, Stabilizing a hexagonal Ru2C via Lifshitz transition under pressure, App. Phys. Lett. 103, 251901 (2013)

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